Exclusive — ‘Light the Flame’: Turning Point Action Seeks ‘Bum-Rush Running Start’ for Trump, GOP at Detroit ‘People’s Convention’ One Month Before RNC

DETROIT, Michigan — Top America First Republicans and conservatives are set to descend this weekend on the biggest city here, Detroit, in one of the nation’s top battleground states, Michigan, a month out from the Republican National Convention in nearby Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
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Exclusive — RNC Slams Biden Admin for Calling to Drop Mail-in Ballot Legal Challenges: Dems Focused on ‘Dismantling Election Integrity Safeguards’

The Republican National Committee (RNC) is slamming the Biden campaign after it demanded the RNC drop mail-in ballot election integrity lawsuits in light of the RNC’s new messaging, noting that the criticisms are nonsense and asserting that Democrats are “laser-focused on dismantling election integrity safeguards.”
The post Exclusive — RNC Slams Biden Admin for Calling to Drop Mail-in Ballot Legal Challenges: Dems Focused on ‘Dismantling Election Integrity Safeguards’ appeared first on Breitbart.